
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


刘继承调任成都警备区司令员 本报讯(刘红斌叶然成都日报记者李晓帆)昨日,成都警备区召开宣布领导班子调整命令大会。根据《现役军官法》规定和中央军委命令,蒋黔智同志达到服役最高年龄,退出现职领导岗位,原凉山军分区司令员刘继承同志调任成都 ... 刘继承调任成都警备区司令员

West Energy Roadshow will be held online starting A-share points to hold 9 -12

West Energy Roadshow will be held online starting A-share points to hold 9 -12 Panorama Network News November 3, West China Energy (002 630) A-share initial public offering of online roadshow will be held this morning at 9-12 points in panoramic network. West Energy's main business is to optimize energy-efficient boilers and new energy utilization boiler and supporting product design, manufacturing and sales. ...West Energy Roadshow will be held online starting A-share points to hold 9 -12


庞青年:会考虑在中国建萨博工厂 北京时间昨天下午6点多,青年汽车集团董事局主席庞青年结束了此次瑞典之行,赶往斯德哥尔摩机场准备回国。整整5年多,中间亲自参与接洽谈判不下10次,如今终于迈出了实质性的一步:瑞典政府、瑞典汽车已经同意将萨博汽 ... 庞青年:会考虑在中国建萨博工厂

Korea-US FTA ... plenary session intended to be replaced if continued attention

Korea-US FTA ... plenary session intended to be replaced if continued attention There must be a Korea-US Free Trade Agreement (FTA) to continue to replace bijunan Place three of the afternoon will be held followed by a plenary session is noteworthy. Until the day a delegation to be the center of the park's national litigation system as a last-minute core jaengjeomin investor (ISD) in resolving disagreements over the focus, but the fundamental gap.Korea-US FTA ... plenary session intended to be replaced if continued attention

'Weinig steun voor referendum in Griekenland'

'Weinig steun voor referendum in Griekenland' Video Verslaggever Eva Wiessing is in Griekenland, waar het idee van een referendum over de eurocrisis toch weinig steun krijgt. » Grieken verdeeld over referendum Video De kans is groot dat het Griekse referendum over de eurocrisis er helemaal niet ... 'Weinig steun voor referendum in Griekenland'

健康元药业集团股份有限公司 2011 年公司债券发行结果公告

健康元药业集团股份有限公司 2011 年公司债券发行结果公告 发行人董事会及全体董事保证本公告内容不存在任何虚假记载、误导性陈述或者重大遗漏,并对其内容的真实性、准确性和完整性承担个别及连带责任。 经中国证券监督管理委员会证监许可[2011]1399 号文核准,健康元药业集 ... 健康元药业集团股份有限公司 2011 年公司债券发行结果公告

[] Yang, European stocks intraday Fed statement

[] Yang, European stocks intraday Fed statement (Central News Agency Taipei, November 2, 2011) - The European stock markets rose, nearly two months to terminate the 3 largest decline, U.S. Federal Reserve Board (Fed) ready to announce the latest policy statement. Randgold Resources Ltd. (GB-RRS) rose 6.6%, to benefit the company estimates the gold shipments next year will increase by 22%. Chun Mao Bank Group (Lloyds Banking Group Plc GB-LLOY) large ...[] Yang, European stocks intraday Fed statement

3岁女孩两次横渡300米宽河流 1岁能浮水游动(图)

3岁女孩两次横渡300米宽河流 1岁能浮水游动(图) 昨日(1日)下午2时10分,湖北新洲举水河水温13度,岸边的人感觉很凉。3岁半小女孩儿胡娟,却在父母陪同下,一天内第二次横渡300米宽的举水河。围观的人无不称奇叫好。 胡娟的父母胡锋、黄莲花夫妇,胡娟是3月份出生的,算起 ... 3岁女孩两次横渡300米宽河流 1岁能浮水游动(图)

[TV Highlights]

[TV Highlights] ● accompanied by hyeonjangreupo (KBS1 23:40) Dad and Mom, and this year, the only daughter geumseon elementary school grade for seven years in which to live in Seoul is one of the inn. The homicide detective who was once the coolest dad to quit gyeongchaljik started the business. The company, however, subordinates hoengryeonghae money to go dark ...[TV Highlights]

联想乐Pad 走出中国平板之路

联想乐Pad 走出中国平板之路 "官司,分拆,出售,换将……"在刚刚过去的这个夏天,移动终端市场热闹非凡,似乎所有"大腕"们都在试图改变,一场"移动互联"革命正悄然兴起,它触发了想象,也留下了悬念,联想乐Pad,以其非凡的实力,卓越的性能,成为这场 ... 联想乐Pad 走出中国平板之路


6户居民欠缴供暖费640户居民全跟着 供暖季临近,城区铁路安民小区居民心急如焚。根据物业通知,受去年有6户居民欠缴供暖费影响,供热公司说今年如果还有居民不缴供热费,整个小区都不会给供暖。早在上个供暖季,整个小区640户居民已全跟着"挨了停暖7天的 ... 6户居民欠缴供暖费640户居民全跟着"挨罚"(图)

"Silent Hill: Book of Memories" s latest

"Silent Hill: Book of Memories" s latest The new top-down view of Co-op multiplayer shooter reborn in "Silent Hill" spin-off series for the PlayStation Vita "Silent Hill: Book Of Memories". Has published screenshots of this work in many overseas site IGN. The screen started to nurse you."Silent Hill: Book of Memories" s latest

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