
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Three arrested in credit-card scam in Denver, thanks to dog and eagle eye

Three arrested in credit-card scam in Denver, thanks to dog and eagle eye This is a story of a multistate credit-card scam that took Denver businesses for thousands of dollars, an eagle-eyed store owner and a yellow Lab who, for want of a biscuit, set in motion the chain of events that cracked the case. ... Three arrested in credit-card scam in Denver, thanks to dog and eagle eye

香川真司身价涨43倍 亚足先生是日本人(图)

香川真司身价涨43倍 亚足先生是日本人(图) 在客场1-2输给近来状态神勇的阿森纳,克洛普和他的弟子们不丢人,尤其是对于日本天才香川真司而言,他在终场前的进球给了来到客场的7000多名多特蒙德球迷一个交代,这些"大黄蜂"的粉丝可以带着欣慰返回鲁尔区。而就在 ... 香川真司身价涨43倍 亚足先生是日本人(图)

TV fitness trainer Angie Dowds feared dead at Beachy Head

TV fitness trainer Angie Dowds feared dead at Beachy Head TV presenter Davina McCall has led tributes to a television fitness trainer who is feared to have died at Beachy Head. A body believed to be that of Angie Dowds, 42, was retrieved from the base of the notorious suicide spot on Sunday. ... TV fitness trainer Angie Dowds feared dead at Beachy Head

Próxima semana Pleno del Congreso vería caso Chehade

Próxima semana Pleno del Congreso vería caso Chehade En el Pleno del Congreso de la próxima semana vería el caso del congresista Omar Chehade, de acuerdo al informe presentado por la Comisión de Ética Parlamentaria, que preside el legislador Humberto Lay (APGC). Para el efecto, esta noche, ... Próxima semana Pleno del Congreso vería caso Chehade

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