
Saturday, November 12, 2011


《星空》導演林書宇專訪 傳影互動 提供你還記得《九降風》嗎?那個許多人共同經歷的青澀年少、見證過的殘酷幻滅、召喚不回的九零年代,都在電影中一一復甦重生,使我們重新感動、也感傷了一次。 《九降風》導演林書宇受繪本家幾米託付重任,在睽違三年後推出改編自其知名作品的新電影《星空》, ... 《星空》導演林書宇專訪

青川东河口地震遗址公园 3年接待游客120万

青川东河口地震遗址公园 3年接待游客120万 11月12日,记者从广元市青川县旅游局获悉,汶川特大地震首个对外开放的青川东河口地震遗址公园开园3年,共接待游客120余万人次。 东河口地震遗址公园是汶川特大地震中地质破坏形态最丰富、地震堰塞湖数量最多最为集中 ... 青川东河口地震遗址公园 3年接待游客120万

Hyundai is placing big bets on the Super Bowl

Hyundai is placing big bets on the Super Bowl By TOM KRISHER DETROIT — Hyundai Motor Co. is hoping that five television spots before and during the Feb. 5 Super Bowl will help to bolster its rising brand recognition and continue big sales gains from the past few years. ... Hyundai is placing big bets on the Super Bowl

Coritiba vence Flamengo e ainda sonha com G-4

Coritiba vence Flamengo e ainda sonha com G-4 Não foi desta vez que o Flamengo quebrou o tabu de 13 anos sem vitórias contra o Coritiba no Couto Pereira. Sob os olhares de um bom público presente no estádio paranaense no fim da tarde deste domingo, os donos da casa venceram a equipe rubro-negra ... Coritiba vence Flamengo e ainda sonha com G-4

Federer-Tsonga EN DIRECT

Federer-Tsonga EN DIRECTFederer-Tsonga EN DIRECT Roger Federer a vécu une finale tranquille face à Jo-Wilfried Tsonga dimanche à Bercy, pour son premier sacre dans l'est parisien. Tsonga - Federer EN DIRECT - TENNIS - Masters Paris - Bercy. Federer-Tsonga EN DIRECT


沪市上市公司公告 (600057 估值,测评,行情,资讯,主力买卖)象屿股份- 福建省厦门象屿股份有限公司A股股票连续三个交易日2011年11月9日、10日、11日)收盘价格涨幅偏离值累计达到20%,属于股票交易异常波动。经向公司控股股东厦门象屿集 ... 沪市上市公司公告

Guildford at rock bottom - Blackadder

Guildford at rock bottom - Blackadder Zac Guildford's Crusaders coach says the young All Black has hit rock bottom with his drinking. Todd Blackadder has spoken with the 22-year-old after his drunken bender in Rarotonga. He says after several incidents with alcohol, including a public ... Guildford at rock bottom - Blackadder

La ONU aplaude la "valiente" postura de la Liga Árabe frente a Siria

La ONU aplaude la "valiente" postura de la Liga Árabe frente a Siria El secretario general de la ONU, Ban Ki-moon, aplaudió el "valiente" llamado efectuado por la Liga Árabe para parar la violencia en Siria y dijo que las tropas del presidente Bashar al-Assad deben cesar los ataques a civiles, informó el domingo su ... La ONU aplaude la "valiente" postura de la Liga Árabe frente a Siria

Syrie: Ankara demande à la communauté internationale d'agir d'une même voix

Syrie: Ankara demande à la communauté internationale d'agir d'une même voix ISTANBUL - La Turquie a demandé dimanche à la communauté internationale d'agir d'une même voix face à la situation en Syrie, a annoncé le ministère turc des Affaires étrangères. L'attitude du gouvernement syrien (...) montre qu'il est nécessaire que la ... Syrie: Ankara demande à la communauté internationale d'agir d'une même voix

Info, nouveautés, innovations…ne manquez rien !

Info, nouveautés, innovations…ne manquez rien ! Six mois que nous en parlons. Nous y voilà au « Mondial de l'Agroéquipement », l'Agritechnica 2011 ouvre ses portes ce matin. Et pendant pas moins de 7 jours, Hanovre accueille 2.600 exposants en provenance de 48 pays. L'ambition du salon, ... Info, nouveautés, innovations…ne manquez rien !

Iran should reconsider cooperation with UN nuclear agency, says parliament speaker

Iran should reconsider cooperation with UN nuclear agency, says parliament speaker Ali Larijani slams 'hostile' tone of IAEA report on Iran's nuclear program as 'unprofessional', accuses the agency of becoming a political tool of the US and its allies. By DPA Tags: Iran Iran nuclear Iran threat The Iranian parliament called on the ... Iran should reconsider cooperation with UN nuclear agency, says parliament speaker

张磊:金延璟下场对韩国影响大 想再拿一次MVP

张磊:金延璟下场对韩国影响大 想再拿一次MVP (搜狐体育 曾珍11月13日发自札幌)北京时间11月13日,2011女排世界杯第三阶段比赛继续进行,中国女排迎来最后一个对手韩国女排。在对方头号得分手金延璟首局即被换下的情况下,中国队3-0横扫对手,三局的比分为25-12 ... 张磊:金延璟下场对韩国影响大 想再拿一次MVP

Pacquiao wins but Marquez says he was robbed again

Pacquiao wins but Marquez says he was robbed againPacquiao wins but Marquez says he was robbed again LAS VEGAS, Nevada — Filipino star Manny Pacquiao edged Juan Manuel Marquez by majority decision on Saturday, stretching his win streak to 15 fights but leaving his Mexican foe screaming robbery for a third time. Adding more controversy to an ... Pacquiao wins but Marquez says he was robbed again


ЗАДЕРЖАН ПОДОЗРЕВАЕМЫЙ В УБИЙСТВЕ МЭРА СЕРГИЕВА ПОСАДА Сотрудники полиции задержали подозреваемого в убийстве мэра подмосковного города Сергиев Посад Евгения Душко, сообщил журналистам начальник главного управления МВД России по Московской области Николай Головкин. «У нас есть конкретный подозреваемый по ... ЗАДЕРЖАН ПОДОЗРЕВАЕМЫЙ В УБИЙСТВЕ МЭРА СЕРГИЕВА ПОСАДА

Greg Chalmers Wins Golf's Australian Open as Tiger Woods Finishes Third

Greg Chalmers Wins Golf's Australian Open as Tiger Woods Finishes Third By Dan Baynes - Sun Nov 13 05:43:32 GMT 2011 Greg Chalmers fired a 3-under-par final round to win the Australian Open golf tournament by one shot from John Senden. Tiger Woods finished third. Chalmers, who had started the last day two shots behind ... Greg Chalmers Wins Golf's Australian Open as Tiger Woods Finishes Third

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